pea-gravel-suppliers-torontoA healthy, beautiful garden is the result of a recipe comprised of many different ingredients. Before you plant your garden, or decide to revamp an existing one, be sure to think about all the different factors at play. You can bet you may need to consider pea gravel suppliers for many jobs, especially if they feature walkways.

Pea gravel is made up of tiny natural stones about the size of a pea. Chances are you’ve walked on a number of pathways in your time that has a pea gravel surface. It probably made a nice crunching noise as you stepped over it.

Another great thing about using pea gravel for a Toronto garden is that it’s so affordable. Other options like limestone will definitely cost you a lot more. Despite this, most would agree pea gravel is the superior choice. It has an all-natural look to it, for one thing. It’s permeable and versatile too. You can use it for a walkway, you can use it to protect the soil in our garden, and you can even use it for a driveway.

If you do plan to use it for retaining nutrients, suppressing weed growth and providing protection to the soil below, you should also appreciate the fact that it won’t decompose like an organic mulch would eventually do. Just lay the pea gravel and move on.

Maintaining pea gravel once it’s laid is relatively simple. Most people just use a rake to occasionally keep it leveled and smooth it out.

When you’re ready to start benefiting from pea gravel around your home or garden, call Essential Garden Supplies and tell them as much at 416-853-3000.